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第二十二期:Challenges and Opportunities for Natural Products by Synthetic Biology
  发布时间:2018-10-23    供稿部门:

  报 告 人:沈奔 美国斯克里普斯研究所化学系教授、分子治疗系兼职教授,化学系主任 

  报告题目Challenges and Opportunities for Natural Products by Synthetic Biology 

  报告时间1029日(周一) 9:30 


  报告摘要:Natural products are made from simple building blocks, the structural diversity found in natural products is the result of Nature's intrinsic use of combinatorial biosynthesis, and progress in connecting natural products to the genes that encode their biosynthesis has fundamentally changed the landscape of natural products research. Advances in microbial genomics and synthetic biology have made it possible to produce designer natural products by de novo metabolic pathway construction and rational pathway engineering. Current strategies are mainly based on the collective knowledge of genetics, microbiology, evolution, enzymology,and structural biology that governs the natural product biosynthetic machinery. While successful, they are limited by what information is gleaned from the above disciplines and how that information can be applied to construct the designer pathways. Nature has used evolution over billions of years to become an expert in combinatorial biosynthesis, and we have only begun to tap into this knowledge. Selected examples from our current studies will be presented to highlight the opportunities in accessing natural products and expanding natural product structural diversity by exploring the vast combinatorial biosynthesis repertoire found in Nature. 

  报告人简介:沈奔,美国斯克里普斯研究所化学系教授、分子治疗系兼职教授,化学系主任。曾担任美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校药学院讲席教授。沈奔教授致力于微生物来源天然产物的生物合成机制及其调控的研究,综合应用有机化学、生物化学、天然产物化学和分子生物学技术,对微生物来源天然产物的化学结构、生物合成酶及基因进行阐述,并以此作为发现和开发新药的新方法,在ScienceNatureCellPNASJACSJBCNature Chemical Biology等国际一流学术期刊上发表了约300篇论文。沈奔教授是《J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotech.》主编、《J. Nat. Prod.》、《J. Antibio.》、《Mol. BioSyst. 》、《Current Bioactive Compounds》等国际主流期刊的编委或顾问委员,同时还担任了多家著名医药公司和生物技术公司的技术顾问。曾获得多种科学奖项及荣誉:美国工业微生物学与生物技术学会Charles Thom(2018);美国微生物学学会PROMEGA生物技术研究奖(2015);美国微生物学科学研究院Fellow (2011);美国科学促进会Fellow (2011);美国生药学会Jack L. Beal(2002);美国Searle学者计划(1997-2000);美国国家自然科学基金会CAREER(1998-2003);美国国立卫生研究院Independent Scientist (2001-2006);美国生药学会Matt Suffness(2000);美国国立卫生研究院FIRST(1996-2001) 

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