先后发表文章40余篇文章发表在Green Chemistry、Biotechnology for Biofuels等高水平国际期刊;主持包括国家重点专项、国家自然基金面上项目、863计划项目、中国科学院知识创新工程重要项目以及天津市重点支撑项目等多项科研项目。
[1] Zong Z, He R, Fu H, ZhaoT, Chen S, Shao X, Zhang D* and Cai W* (2017). Pretreating cellulases with hydrophobins for improving bioconversion of cellulose: An experimental and computational study. Green Chemistry. 18, 6666-6674.
[2] Le Gao, Demao Li, Feng Gao, Zhiyong Liu, Yuyong Hou, Shulin Chen, Dongyuan Zhang*.Hydroxyl radical-aided thermal pretreatment of algal biomass for enhanced biodegradability. Biotechnology for biofuels, 2015, 8:194.
[3] Zhiyou Zong, Le Gao, Wensheng Cai, Liang Yu, Chao Cui, Shulin Chen, Dongyuan Zhang*. Computer-assisted Rational Modifications to improve the Thermostability of β-glucosidase from Penicillium piceum H16. BioEnergy Research. 2015, 8:1384–1390.
[4] Dongyuan Zhang, Xiaoduo Lu , Shipeng Li, Yanping Su, Qiuju Liang, Hongyan Meng, Songdong Shen, Yunliu Fan, Chunming Liu, Chunyi Zhang. FtsHi4 Is Essential for Embryogenesis Due to Its Influence on Chloroplast Development in ArabidopsisPLoS ONE. (2014) 9(6): e99741
[5] Yubin Ma, Zhiyao Wang, Ming Zhu, Changjiang Yu, Yingping Cao, Dongyuan Zhang* Increased lipid productivity and TAG content in Nannochloropsis by heavy-ion irradiation mutagenesis Bioresource Technology 136 (2013) 360–367
[6] Dongyuan Zhang*, Gong-Ke Zhou*, Bin-bin Liu, Na Chen, Qiang Qiu, Hong-ju Yin, Jia-Xing An, Fan Chen**. HCF243 encodes a chloroplast-localized protein involved in the D1 protein dynamics of the Arabidopsis PSII complex. Plant Physiology ,2011, 157: 608-619
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