

  • 职  称:研究员
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 导师类别:博士生导师
  • 通讯地址:天津市空港经济区西七道32号
  • 邮政编码:300308
  • 电子邮件:liukq@tib.cas.cn
  • 部  门:体外合成生物学中心


2021.12-至今 中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所,研究员

2015.09-2021.11 德克萨斯大学西南医学中心,博士后

2009.08-2015.05 贝勒医学院,博士

2007.08-2009.07 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,硕士

2003.09-2007.07 中国农业大学生物工程专业,学士




1. Scarborough AM, Flaherty JN, Hunter OV, Liu K, Kumar A, Xing C, Tu BP, Conrad NK. (2021) SAM homeostasis is regulated by CFIm-mediated splicing of MAT2A. Elife 10, e64930. 

2. Liu K, Santos DA, Hussmann JA, Wang Y, Sutter BM, Weissman JS, Tu BP. (2021) Regulation of translation by methylation multiplicity of 18S rRNA. Cell Reports 34, 108825 

3. Liu K, Sutter BM, Tu BP. (2021) Autophagy sustains glutamate and aspartate synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during nitrogen starvation. Nature Communications 12, 57. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20253-6. 

4. Anderson BW, Liu K, Wolak C, Dubiel K, She F, Satyshur KA, Keck JL, Wang JD. (2019) Evolution of (p)ppGpp-HPRT regulation through diversification of an allosteric oligomeric interaction. Elife. 25;8. pii: e47534. 

5. Weiss CA, Hoberg JA, Liu K, Tu BP, Winkler WC. (2019) Single cell microscopy reveals that levels of cyclic di-GMP vary among Bacillus subtilis subpopulations. Journal of Bacteriology. 00247-19. 

6. Orr MW, Weiss CA, Severin GB, Turdiev H, Kim SK, Turdiev A, Liu K, Tu BP, Waters CM, Winkler WC, Lee VT. (2018) A subset of exoribonucleases serve as degradative enzymes for pGpG in c-di-GMP signaling. Journal of Bacteriology. 200 (24), e00300-18. 

7. Pendleton KE, Chen B, Liu K, Hunter OV, Xie Y, Tu BP, Conrad NK. (2017) The U6 snRNA m6A methyltransferase METTL16 regulates SAM synthetase intron retention. Cell. 18;169(5):824-835. 

8. Li W, Bouveret E, Zhang Y, Liu K, Wang JD, Weisshaar JC. (2016) Effects of amino acid starvation on RelA diffusive behavior in live Escherichia coli. Molecular Microbiology. 99(3):571-585. 

9. Gaca AO, Colomer-Winter C, Kudrin P, Beljantseva J, Liu K, Anderson BW, Wang JD, Potrykus K, Cashel M, Hauryliuk V, Lemos JA. (2015) From (p)ppGpp to (pp)pGpp: Characterization of a new magic spot produced by the small alarmone synthase RelQ of Enterococcus faecalis. Journal of Bacteriology. 197(18):2908-2919. 

10. Liu K, Myers AR, Pisithkul T, Claas KR, Satyshur KA, Amador-Noguez D, Keck JL, Wang JD. (2015) Molecular mechanism and evolution of guanylate kinase regulation by (p)ppGpp. Molecular Cell. 57, 735-749. 

11. Liu K*, Bittner AN*, Wang JD. (2015) Diversity in (p)ppGpp metabolism and effectors. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 24:72-79. (*equal contribution) 

12. Gaca AO, Kajfasz JK, Miller JH, Liu K, Wang JD, Abranches J, Lemos JA. (2013) Basal levels of (p)ppGpp in Enterococcus faecalis: the magic beyond the stringent response. mBio. 4(5):e00646-13. 

13. Kriel A, Bittner AN, Kim SH, Liu K, Tehranchi AK, Zou WY, Rendon S, Chen R, Tu BP, Wang JD. (2012) Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance. Molecular Cell. 48, 231–241. 

14. Hartzell A, Chen C, Lewis C, Liu K, Reynolds S, Dudley EG. (2011) Escherichia coli O157:H7 of genotype lineage-specific polymorphism assay 211111 and Clade 8 are common clinical isolates within Pennsylvania. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 8(7): 763-768. 

15. Liu K, Knabel SJ, Dudley EG. (2009) rhs genes are potential markers for multilocus sequence typing of Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75(18): 5853-5862. 

16. Tian H, Wan H, Liu K, Shan L, Li Y, Yuan Y. (2006) Study on characteristics of Lactobacillus bulgaricus on the preparing of yoghourt starter by the technology of lyophilization. China Dairy Industry. 34(12): 4-6. 

17. Hao Y, Zhu B, Luan C, Liu K, Luo Y. (2006) Cloning and identification of sunflower seed-specific promoter Ha ds10 G1. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. 14(6): 922-925.