
加拿大康考迪亚大学生物系Adrian Tsang教授来所进行学术交流


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  应天津市工业生物系统与过程工程重点实验室主任陈树林研究员的邀请,加拿大蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学生物系教授、结构和功能基因组学研究中心主任Adrian Tsang1028日访问我所,并为我所师生做了题为Genome-wide approaches to identify and characterize lignocellulolytic enzymes from fungal extremophiles学术报告。陈树林研究员主持报告会。 

  报告中,Adrian Tsang教授介绍了降解嗜热真菌以及反刍动物体内真菌的木质纤维素的新途径。他指出,木质纤维素是地球上最丰富的生物质能源来源,也是巨大的糖类物质仓库,但是自然界中的纤维素材料很难降解。因此,发现新型木质纤维素降解酶、提高木质纤维素酶的生产能力能够对木质纤维素材料的利用起到非常重要的作用。Adrian Tsang教授利用同源蛋白比对,对不同农业废弃物培养得到的嗜热真菌的转录组和分泌组进行了分析,揭示了不同真菌对木质纤维素的降解机制,并鉴定了一些新的可能在木质纤维素降解过程中起作用的胞外蛋白。除此之外,他利用转录组和元基因组的方法研究反刍动物体内的真菌基因在木质纤维素降解中的功能,这些基因已经在黑曲霉中成功表达。 

  主讲人介绍:Adrian TsangThe current position of Adrian Tsang was Professor of Biology and Director of Centre for Structural Genomics in Concordia University. He acquired a bachelor of science in University of Alberta and a doctor degree of biology in York University. He continued to follow professional experience for his postdoctoral fellow in London. Adrian Tsang was assistant professor of biology in McGill University in 1984-1991 and in Concordia University in 1991-2002. He engaged in the protein production in filamentous fungi and functional genomics research. The current study is the identification of the effective fungal enzyme protein hydrolyzing lignocelluloses using genomics and proteomics methods. The studies about extreme environmental fungal extracellular protein functions and fungal expression system made breakthough progress. 
