丹麦嘉士伯实验室Ole Hindsgaul教授访问天津工生所
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7 月2日丹麦嘉士伯实验室Ole Hindsgaul教授应邀来所进行学术交流,他作了题为“Carlsberg Laboratory (history and basic research goals) and the Carlsberg Research Center”的学术报告,我所王华明研究员主持报告会。
在报告中,Ole Hindsgaul教授介绍了丹麦嘉士伯实验室自1847年至今的发展历程以及在啤酒产业关键领域(大麦性状改良;酵母基因组研究;啤酒成分分析和发酵工艺优化)的最新研究进展。在报告中,Ole Hindsgaul教授重点介绍了一种用于分析啤酒成分的高灵敏度分析方法:DNP-NMR。通过这种方法,结合C13标记,极大的提高了啤酒中微量成分分析的灵敏度。另外,嘉士伯实验室通过基因工程的手段,去除了啤酒发酵中产生的LOX物质,极大的改善了啤酒的口感并延长了啤酒的货架期。
Ole Hindsgaul was a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Alberta, Canada, from 1981 to 2003. He then moved to the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen. His research interests are in areas of carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry. Analysis of carbohydrates today is a very advanced field relying heavily on separation technology, comparison with reference standards, and skilled application of sophisticated instrumental techniques. Prof Hindsgaul’s group is exploring instead the development of new simple chemistry-based methods that will yield information on the identity and quantity of a carbohydrate solute with minimal use of sophisticated instruments.
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